Level Up Your Metrics Game: Improving the Success of your Email Program with Smarter Metric Analysis


Thursday June 17, 2021


10:25 am


In this session, Ada, Lauren and Luke, members of the OI Metrics Project Committee, will highlight innovative (and often overlooked) tactics for making the most of your email program. We’ll discuss a mix of tracking the right metrics, asking the right questions, and applying email strategies which surprise and delight your email recipients. The methods that we’ll share can lead to an increase in brand loyalty and profits — instead of a poor user experience, deliverability issues and marketing dollars being left on the table.

In this session, attendees will learn:

  • The best email metrics for monitoring the health and success of an email program
  • What questions marketers should be asking themselves in order to create a winning strategy
  • Smarter strategies for optimizing recipient engagement with email

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